
Ph.D. Candidate, Class of 2023, Mentor: Dr. Lin MEI


I graduated from Wuhan Polytechnic University with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from Southwest Medical University. Currently, I am focusing on the regulatory role of muscle to motor neurons and its potential molecular mechanisms.


Synapses, as the key devices for the connection in neurons & neurons and neurons & other types of cells, has large quantities and complex connection. Through synapses, neurons perceive pain, temperature, touch, pressure/control voluntary movements/affect cognition and produce emotions. However, the peripheral system, especially muscle, has a relatively larger volume and mass than brain and spinal cord. So muscular influence to the nervous system cannot be ignored. Now I chose the classical model --- neuromuscular junction, to study the down-top influences of the periphery organs for nervous system.


In May 2023, by chance, I saw the CIMR admissions. After browsing the information of Mr. Mer's laboratory, as well as seeing the enrollment criteria of "put quality before quantity". I thought CIMR is a real research institute and laboratory where I want to. In fact, this is indeed the case.


For someone, science is maybe a work. However, it is an unexpected fortune for me.  Besides, it is amazing for "use the brain to study the brain". Imaging decades later, I hope that I will still be doing really groundbreaking work. Pushing the boundaries of my own capabilities, the boundaries of human cognition.