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Construction of CMU New Main Campus Starts

On the morning of October 29, the mobilization meeting for Capital Medical University (CMU)’s new campus (New Main Campus) construction project was officially held.


The new campus will be situated in the north extension region of Daxing Biological and Pharmaceutical Industry Base, which is home to three major construction projects: CMU New Main Campus, a research-oriented hospital, and Chinese Institutes for Medical Research, Beijing, (CIMR, Beijing).


The new campus, which will occupy about 1,100 acres of land, aims to develop into a top-tier medical university with a strong research focus as well as a “Future Medical School” that emphasizes disciplinary integration, improves teacher-student interaction, and integrates teaching and learning.


This time, construction on the postgraduate building is underway. Its overall architectural form is staggered with distinct geometric patterns, and it embraces the design concept of “informal communication, vibrant space, and overall community”. The university intends to put in maximum effort to start extensive development on the northern plot by May 2024, with an end goal of 2027, and to plan for use beginning in 2028.