Kang Zhang


Big data and artificial intelligence: catalysts for innovation in medicine and healthcare



Technological advancements are progressing at an unprecedented pace, placing us at the cusp of a transformative, data-driven revolution in medicine. The application of artificial intelligence (AI) into domains such as disease diagnosis, therapeutic efficacy prediction, and multimodal data fusion highlights its great potential and promising prospects in deciphering complex clinical information and enhancing diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficiency. Despite these remarkable achievements, significant challenges persist. Data integration remains a critical hurdle, as the effective synthesis and analysis of vast, heterogeneous datasets continue to demand innovative solutions. Furthermore, while multitask learning algorithms and computational capabilities have advanced considerably, the sophistication of learning models and the high costs of performance computing infrastructure present notable barriers to AI adoption in routine clinical practice.


One particularly promising frontier is the emerging application of digital twin technology in healthcare. As virtual constructs capable of real-time patient condition simulation and prediction, digital twins hold immense potential for advancing personalized medicine. Equally important is addressing the societal and technological challenge of fostering trust and seamless collaboration between AI systems and medical practitioners.


This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on the future trajectories of medical AI, shedding light on opportunities for innovation and inspiring novel approaches to drive progress in the medical and healthcare landscape.