A cell-type specific epigenetic mechanism encodes social memory

No. 14


Title: A cell-type specific epigenetic mechanism encodes social memory

Speaker: Youming Lu (鲁友明)


                Tongji School of Medicine

                Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Host: Lin Mei

         Chinese Institutes for Medical Research, Beijing


Time: 2:30 PM, Jan. 25, 2024 (Thursday)


Location: Room 1322, North Tower, Basic Research Building, Capital Medical University 




Social investigation is a complex behavior essential for understanding the surrounding world and is impaired in some major neuropsychiatric disorders. Yet, little is known about whether and if yes, how social investigation is encoded in a specific type of cortical neurons. Here, we generated a computer vision tool to track social behavior of naïve mice and categorized them as high (HS) versus low (LS) social groups. We integrated a genetically guided TRAP2 strategy with single cell Ca2+ image and found that activity dynamics of Htr2c neurons in the prelimbic cortical layer 5 encode social investigatory behavior. We uncovered a long non-coding RNA Lrhcn1 that controls Hcn1 transcription and regulates ensemble activity of Htr2c neurons and this regulation motivates social investigation. Htr2c neurons directly and functionally project to nitric oxide synthase (Nos1) neurons in the hypothalamic nucleus. Gain- and loss-of function studies demonstrated that this projection specifically processes socially conveyed information.


Selected Papers:

  1. Li X, Yu H, Zhang B, Li L, Chen W, Yu Q, Huang X, Ke X, Wang Y, Jing W, Du H, Li H, Zhang T, Liu L, Zhu LQ, Lu Y. Molecularly defined and functionally distinct cholinergic subnetworks.Neuron. 2022;110(22):3774-3788.e7.
  2. Li X, Chen W, Pan K, Li H, Pang P, Guo Y, Shu S, Cai Y, Pei L, Liu D, Afewerky HK, Tian Q, Zhu LQ, Lu Y. Serotonin receptor 2c-expressing cells in the ventral CA1 control attention via innervation of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus. Nat Neurosci.2018;21(9):1239-1250.
  3. Tu W, Xu X, Peng L, Zhong X, Zhang W, Soundarapandian MM, Balel C, Wang M, Jia N, Zhang W, Lew F, Chan SL, Chen Y, Lu Y. DAPK1 interaction with NMDA receptor NR2B subunits mediates brain damage in stroke.Cell. 2010;140(2):222-34.