NO. 52
CIMR Wednesday Lecture Series
Wednesday, Dec. 11 2024, 4:00 p.m.
Yifu Lecture Hall, North Basic Research Building
Wenhui He (何文辉)
Chinese Institutes for Medical Research, Beijing
Liming Sun (孙丽明)
Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science
Chinese Academy of Sciences
When dying is not the end: the physiological roles and checkpoints of necroptosis
Dr. Sun’s research primarily focused on the molecular mechanism of necroptosis signaling, and its relevance to human diseases. Her major scientific contributions include: (1) Discovered MLKL as a key component of necroptosis pathway at the downstream of RIP3; (2) Identified the autophosphorylation site on RIP3, which is required for MLKL recruitment; (3) Identified the phosphorylation sites on MLKL that are catalyzed by RIP3, which are required for releasing its autoinhibition; (4) Screened out new necroptosis inhibitor NSA, and defined its targeting site on human MLKL-Cys86; (5) Developed monoclonal antibodies that specifically recognize p-RIP3 or p-MLKL, which potentially serve as important tools to dissect necroptosis signaling in vivo; (6) Found microtubule-targeting agents (MTAs) utilize membrane bound-TNF to kill the adjacent tumor cells, which reframed our fundamental understanding on how MTA drugs utilize the tight contact between solid tumor cells to induce cancer-cell-to-cancer-cell killing and eventually shrink the entire tumor with “snowball” effect; (7) Identified Tenascin-C (TNC), released by necroptotic myofibers, as a key factor to promote muscle stem cell (MuSC) proliferation through directly stimulating EGF receptor (EGFR) cascade in MuSCs during regeneration, which provided us a paradigm for understanding that necroptosis, as a form of “altruistic ***”, contributing the conditional niche for adult stem cell proliferation upon injury; (8) Identified a novel phosphorylation site of MLKL that blocks necroptosis-induced systemic inflammation during mouse development, which provided the direct evidence that the spontaneous activation of necroptosis and the potential non-cell death role of MLKL during development; (9) Identified HSPA8 that functions as an "amyloidase," preventing necroptosis by reversing functional amyloid production.