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2024-2025 Journal Club No. 13: Xin Liu & Xuejiao Wang
2024-2025 Journal Club No. 13: Xin Liu & Xuejiao Wang
Time: December 20, 16:00

Location: Yifu Lecture Hall, North Tower, Basic Research Building, Capital Medical University
Speaker: Xin Liu (Supervisor: Lin Mei)
Topic: Human pluripotent stem-cell-derived islets ameliorate diabetes in non-human primates. Nat Med. 2022;28(2):272-282. doi:10.1038/s41591-021-01645-7.
Speaker: Xuejiao Wang (Supervisor: Huixia Ren)
Topic: Implantation underneath the abdominal anterior rectus sheath enables effective and functional engraftment of stem-cell-derived islets. Nat Metab. 5(1):29-40(2023). doi: 10.1038/s42255-022-00713-7.