Research Group
Lan Liu
  Associate Investigator
B.S., Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China
Ph.D., Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Work Experience
Associate Investigator, Chinese Institutes for Medical Research, Beijing, China
Professor, Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders, Beijing, China
Professor, Capital Medical University, China
Associate Professor, School of Statistics, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, USA
Assistant Professor, School of Statistics, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, USA
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, USA
Research Direction

The Liu laboratory at CIMR works on statistical methodology development including causal inference, missing data, sufficient dimension reduction, statistical applications including the design and analysis of Phase I--III clinical trials, and various observational studies.

Major Research Projects

1. Causal Inference (herd immunity, surrogate paradox, mediation analysis, negative control, instrumental variables, propensity score methods, robust analysis)

2. Sufficient Dimension Reduction with application in high dimensional data such as fMRI and longitudinal data
3. Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials (such as BAOCHE trial, published in NEJM; TREND trial, published in JAMA Neurology; OPENS-2 trail, published in The Lancet)
Major Contributions

1. In the interference problem in epidemiology and sociology, Prof. Liu proved the large sample properties of the two-stage randomization method.

2. In the non-compliance and missing not at random problems in clinical research, Prof. Liu proposed new identification and estimation methods to correct the bias.
3. For the dimension reduction problem in fMRI data, Prof. Liu proposed efficient statistical analysis method based on the feature that voxels of related functional areas are highly correlated.
Representative Publications     *:Co-first author; #:Co-corresponding author
Representative Publications *:Co-first author; #:Co-corresponding author
Li WL, Lan J, Wei M, Liu L, Hou CB, Qi ZF, Li CH, Jiao LQ, Yang Q, Chen WH, Liu SL, Yue XC, Dong QL, Yuan HC, Gao ZG, Wu XG , Wen CM, Li T, Jiang CC, Li D, Chen ZQ, Shi JF , Shi WC, Yuan JL, Qin YJ, Li BL, Marc Fisher, Feng WW, Liu KJ, Ji XM. Normobaric hyperoxia combined with endovascular treatment for acute ischaemic stroke in China (OPENS-2 trial): a multicentre, randomised, single-blind, sham-controlled trial. The Lancet, 2025, 405(10477): 486-497. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)02809-5
Zhao W, Li S, Li C, Wu C, Wang J, Xing L, Wan Y, Qin J, Xu Y, Wang R, Wen C, Wang A,  Liu L, Wang J, Song H, Feng W, Ma Q, Ji XM. Effects of Tirofiban on Neurological Deterioration in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurology, 2024, 81: 594-602. DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.0868
Li W, Wang S, Liu L, Chen J, Lan J, Ding J, Chen Z, Yuan S, Qi Z, Wei M, Ji X. Normobaric Hyperoxia Combined With Endovascular Treatment Based on Temporal Gradient: A Dose-Escalation StudyStroke, 2024, 55: 1468-1476. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.046106
Cook DR, Forzani L, Liu L#Partial least squares for simultaneous reductionof response and predictor vectors in regression. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2023, 196: 105163. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105163
Liu L*, Li W#, Su Z, Cook DR, Vizioli L, Yacoub E. The Efficiency Boosting via Envelope Chain for task-invoked fMRI study. Scandianvian Journal of Statistics, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/sjos.12522
Liu L, Tchetgen Tchetgen E. Indirect Adjustment for Homophily Bias with a Negative Control Variable in Peer Effect Analysis. Biometrics, 2021, 78: 668-678. DOI: 10.1111/biom.13483
Li W, Gu Y, Liu L#Demystifying a Class of Multiple Robust Estimators. Biometrika, 2020, 207: 919-933. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/asaa026
Liu L#, Hudgens MG, Becker-Dreps S. On Inverse Probability Weighted Estimators in the Presence of Interference. Biometrika, 2016, 103: 829-842. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/asw047
Liu L, Hudgens MG. Large Sample Randomization Inference of Causal Effects in the Presence of Interference. Journal of the American StatisticalAssociation (JASA) Theory and Methods Section, 2014, 109: 288-301. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2013.844698